Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor discussed his upcoming movie Zombie Versus Ninja, saying his goal is not to “make Oscar winners,” but rather “fun” and “crazy cult classics.”
“One of the things that I’ve always wanted to do is create a movie — write a movie and then see it from soup to nuts; from pre-pro to walking the red carpet,” Corey said during a recent appearance on Frightmare HQ. “That’s been one of my biggest dreams. And I’ve had the opportunity to really be put in touch with some great producers. And I’m talking to potential directors right now, actually. It is going to shoot this year.”
Asked if he has any interest in directing Zombie Versus Ninja himself, Corey said: “It’s not that I’m not interested; it’s that I know that’s not my forte. I’m honest enough with myself to realize that if I had wanted to be a director, I would have started learning a long time ago. And I know a lot of people with the kind of ego that they would step in and go, ‘Well, it’s mine. Blah blah blah.’
“I’m not that guy. I want it to be good. I want [people] to enjoy what I’m making, because I wanna enjoy it too. And sometimes it’s the collaboration that creates something amazing.
“You have to be flexible enough to realize, like, ‘I don’t have the chops to do this.’ However, that doesn’t mean there’s somebody out there that does. So, for me, as the writer and the producer, now I can find the right person to bring it to fruition and walk with them every step of the way as a collab. Let them do their thing, but also know that, in my mind, there’s this idea of what I want it to be.
“And it’s a gonzo horror comedy — it’s the kind of f*cking movie that I’ve always loved, and it’s the kind of movie that I’ve always wanted to make. And if it goes off, man, it’s the beginning of something rad.”
“I don’t wanna make Oscar winners. I wanna make fun, crazy cult classics. That’s all I care about.”